"The Quality of Energy in Your Life Matters... a Lot."

ASTROLOGY Book a Reading
TAROT Book a Reading
ASTROLOGY Book a Reading
TAROT Book a Reading

"The Quality of Energy in Your Life Matters... a Lot."

Essays (written)

The Two Voices

Consider this offering and before coming to any conclusions, explore the complete thesis that is, "Thinkers and Sinkers." There are no religious requirements regardless of words used to describe the indescribable concept of our origin. Resisting new ideas is what can create friction. Indulge the notions offered in this book to understand greater paradigms that arch over our lives without our knowledge. Through this book you may well come to witness the illusive.

The affairs of the world are tangled and to smooth them out like never before we ought to change the debate from one of an, “us versus them” to an, “us versus ‘it’.”

Just like there is the thoughtful voice of the Divine guiding humanity, there is a thoughtless and confused voice that speaks to us. This thoughtless influence has gained control over a lot of people and this is the, "it," that humanity should be focusing on to right the conditions on earth.

We will begin by calling the confused voice the, “Sinker mentality” and the Divine voice the, “Thinker mentality.” This back-and-forth between the two is ancient. We can see it in almost every situation. The woes of this world are created by the Sinker trying to control. The goal of the Sinker is to return humanity to a state of lacking awareness of self, the Source of our creation, and of personal fulfillment. The core Sinker reasons for doing this are to deny reality and deny responsibility.

The destruction wrought by the Sinker mentality are global and interpersonal.
Here is a short, and by no means complete, list of results;

the welfare state in America (and elsewhere),
the state of education in America (and elsewhere),
abortion and all its many off-shoots,
human trafficking,
drug abuse,
domestic violence,
affirmative action,
reverse discrimination,
reverse racism,
income tax,
deficit spending,
class warfare,
management/labor relations,
and the list goes on.

The confusion that reigns in the mind of humankind is understandable yet it is also solvable using Thinker traits. Among these traits are; calm, introspection, reason, thoughtfulness, civility, and many others. Before these solutions can be wide spread we must discuss the Sinker mentality and study its manifestation.

The goal of humanity is happiness, expression, and accomplishment. This is why we were created. Overcoming the confusion of the Sinker mentality is the task at hand.

Elegant Words

Normalcy Bias
People with this condition underestimate danger, precarious situations, and imminent emergencies. They can see the danger coming but in their state they will look for comfort in something familiar to create a feeling of normalcy. The danger does not go away. There is actually a better chance the full ramifications associated with the danger will come to be.

Cognitive Dissonance
When people are confronted with concepts that do not match their belief system they can get an uneasy feeling. That's what this condition is identifying. To deal with this uneasiness the person will attach themselves to anything that will relieve this feeling regardless of right and wrong. Denying, and blaming are often used to justify their beliefs which are false.

Dunning-Kruger Effect
This condition is found in people who are uninformed or ill-informed and because they do not know this they make bad decisions. Because they do not even know of their poor decisions they think they are smarter than others. Only when they accept their mistakes and learn the truth can they see the errors of their ways. (Read about this in "Thinkers and Sinkers" 33:09)

These are each fairly normal occurrences. But now what?

People who are effected by these conditions are less-likely to know they are effected.

If someone, or an ideology, is tempting to influence you to commit to counterproductive behavior and you are effected by any, or all, of these mental conditions you could easily be lead to an unfortunate life choice from which there may be permanent repercussions (i.e. an unhappy ending). What do you do now? Let me know how quickly you disregard this. Or ask me for more info.

Essays (audio)

Davida Patrick Moore - We Are All the Same, Not Really, But Really

We Are All the Same, Not Really, But Really (07min 44sec)

There are so many different approaches that "teachers" or "guides" or whatever they want to call themselves use to purvey a message that they have developed to "help" people "find happiness" or "become clear" or whatever. (I could probably be thought of as one of those people but you'll see the difference by the end of this essay.) These people are all "specialized" in their own personal form of "healing." (Which I am not, as you'll see.)

We're talking conceptions here, and modalities that come from the outside, that the initiate will have to assimilate and learn so they can take advantage of the method.

Okay, great, I get it. A lot of people want to help a lot of people. And while I understand the individual approach that these folks have develop for themselves I ask myself, "Why all the different approaches?" To me, it just kinda muddies the waters and really separates us from each other in a non-functional kinda way. (As you read, you'll learn there is a way for us to separate ourselves from others that will in fact bring us together.)

Many people who struggle with finding, or making, or sustaining their happiness will immediately buy into the notion that we're all different and so a lot of different approaches ARE needed, so people can find the way that's right for them. This sounds like it is just "sooooo" right. But really it's not. And here is why. People, on the most basic level, are not different. What separates people is our perspective, obviously. Why obviously? What brings us together? . . . uh, our perspective. We ought to think about how we think. That would help us understand, define, and refine our perspective. Perspective collects the information that then out forms our life experience. "Perspective," is everything. That's us specializing, which is what we're inclined to do because, in life, we occupy a unique physical space. But that doesn't have to be what separates us.

If a person has a lot invested in their perspective they will fight tooth and nail to not allow that perspective to be tweaked. Great. Let me know how that works out. Since the one thing we can all count on is change, why would a static, or better yet (sarcasm), why would a rigid perspective be so valued? Well, we can all see a security mechanism when it's in our face. But let's not get too far afield.

Granted, the Universe doesn't make duplicates. Making duplicates doesn't make sense. It's actually illogical and if the Universe is anything it is logical. That's a tough sell to someone who thinks they're destine to a life of struggle or is otherwise confused. Okay, whatever.

Here's the point. We're all different, but we're here to all do the same thing, but we'll all do it in our unique way, but we'll all do this by traveling the same PATH. Is that confusing enough???

I know how it can be, but, it doesn't have to be confusing at all.

"We're all different," granted there's no reason to duplicate a human experience. Once it's had, having it again doesn't do anything . . . what? Productive? Useful? Constructive? You get the idea. So, okay, everyone is different from everyone throughout time and for time in memorial. Great.

"But we're here to all do the same thing," Why would we all be doing the same thing? We're all doing the same thing but we're not all "doing" quote, unquote, the same "thing," quote, unquote. We're all pursuing happiness. How many different ways can someone pursue happiness? That should get one of your eye brows to pop up. "Hmmm, Jess, Happiness."

So now, "we're all different, but we're here to all do the same thing." Wait, there's more.

"We'll all do it in our own unique way," but we're doing the same thing. How does that work? What we'll all do the same, but in our own unique way, is we'll express our individuality. Remember? We're all different.

We can express our own unique individuality, while doing the same thing of pursuing happiness, from a one-of-a-kind perspective, but wait, there's even more. "We'll all do this by traveling the same PATH." You might wonder how that works, and you would be right to ask, because that's what this is all about. The same PATH we all travel in pursuing happiness is choosing love. I hope that's not a big let down because if it is you might stop listening right now and I really want you to listen just that little bit that remains. (Imagine me meekly smiling.)

If you realize you can do everything productive, useful, and constructive from a perspective of love you begin to see how we're all the same and we do the same thing, by doing the same thing, on the same PATH.

We're all different, that's what makes us the same. Huh??? Think about it. We're all different, that's what makes us the same.

We all have an individuality to express. Again "We all . . . " again, that makes us the same.

We all express that individuality to pursue happiness. Again "We all . . . " again, that makes us the same.

We all do it on the same PATH because in an "all-roads-leads-to-Rome" kinda way, only love can lead to happiness. Hate doesn't do that and what else is there? You're on a road moving toward or away from happiness (Rome).

Some will say that it's just too difficult and that it's not that easy for some people. Whatever. If you want to try and continue to justify being judgmental that will only suck up your time that you could be using; in your totally unique perspective, being your unique expression, pursuing your unique happiness by choosing the only thing that will ever uplift you and make all the earlier mentioned hopes and desires possible; that one thing being choosing love . . . in everything.

Of course it can't be that simple . . . but it is, why does it have to be . . . "difficult?" It doesn't and it's not. Why we feel like it has to be is another conversation. In the meantime if you want to cut to the cream drop judgment and start loving life. It will love you back. Promise.

Davida Patrick Moore - The Dream, The Fire

The Dream, The Fire (10min 57sec)

Let's say you were at home in your super comfortable bed, the bed you absolutely love, whatever that is, firm or deeply cushioned, with satin sheets or high count, pristine cotton weave bed clothing, just the way you like it, the right number of pillows and the absolutely perfectly balanced blanket to temperature ration. You are so comfortable.

Not only that, but you're asleep having the most delightfully-vivid, and reassuring dream. How could anything be more perfect, in a sensory and imagination-filled experience such as this?

So there you are asleep and you don't even know it, it's that real.

But guess what? Your house is on fire, fully engulfed and burning down around you. But in your dream everything is perfect. You don't know that all around you your whole life is being consumed by flame, as you sleep on, enjoying the dream and not feeling the fire . . . much . . . or at least that's what you think.

So there you are dreaming away having an amazing experience in your perfect bed, you hair looks great, you look great, you feel comfortable. But, yes, your house is burning down around you and little do you know some of your friends are in their beds, in their own houses and . . . you guessed it, their houses are burning down too. Everyone is having fantastic dreams but everything they have and everything they care about; their memories, their family, their future security, and all of their potential is being consumed by fire and no one knows what's going on . . . except . . . some of your neighbors.

They know you and they know about the fire and actually the fire didn't just mysteriously appear tonight. No the fire has been slowing, and in many small ways, burning in your house for some time, mostly in the basement, out of sight, reducing the foundation and other structural supports of your house, to useless matter. Lots of ash but mostly just crumbly chunks of brick, mortar, and wood. Your neighbors have seen the signs in a steady, light wafting of grey/black smoke coming out of cracks in the facade of your house - pretty much everywhere . . . all the time . . . for a long time.

If you were awake you'd probably indignantly ask them why they never warned you about the fire . . . but they tried. Speaking of indignant, that would be a good way to describe your behavior those few times they tried to raise the conversation. Your temper became so heated you flashed anger at their even suggesting there might be something amiss. But now you're sleeping in your perfect bed, in your beautiful house and your neighbors are watching it burn.

Your closest neighbor wants to brave the massive structure fire to help you. They can see other neighbors risking everything to help their neighbors, they know the fire department is not coming to save you, they have their hands full. Your neighbor knows you're asleep in your perfectly made bed, dreaming your perfectly dreamed-up dream and they know if someone doesn't do something soon that when you wake up, that is if you wake up, you'll be horrified and if you survive they know you'll be scared for life, because no one came to help you get out of the burning house, your house. And still to this point you're asleep, dreaming in your comfy bed with colorful and sensitive images of a beautiful life flickering in your head.

We stop there because right now there are billions of people around the world in their perfectly made beds, dreaming their perfectly dreamed-up dreams, who are living their lives walking around, driving cars, working jobs, raising kids but they are asleep in a dream world which they do not even know is not real, and their whole lives are burning to the ground as they thoughtlessly sleepwalk dreaming they're in a life, which by the way, doesn't really exist. A lot of these people think they are awake and that they can see others who are asleep, but they are so deeply asleep they don't even know they are asleep, there's no way for them to know, that's how deeply they have gone into their perfectly dreamed-up dream.

Simply by the structure and how this whole situation works we know these sleeping, dreaming, fantasy living people will discover, at some point, where their path went awry, it very possibly won't happen in this lifetime, but it could, with a little help from their neighbors, or some other friendly people . . . but they must first discover the dream and that they are inside the dream, regardless of what the dream is telling them about being in real life . . . that's a huge hitch.

The dream tells them that everything around them and all the pretty things that they are doing are real, but that's the dream talking. And if the dream can make them think things are real, how are those sleeping going to tell that the dream is actually a dream??? Can that even be done??? Maybe . . . maybe not . . . it all depends on the sleeping.

But those who know of the dream and the destruction that awaits those who sleep through the house fire, they know they have to try to wake as many people as possible, even as the dream is trying to get more people to sleep and to dream while the fires continue to rage all around.

How can we be sure of, what the waking person knows is true? What is the dream? What is the fire? How can this be communicated to the sleeping? How can the sleeping be roused enough to see the fire, that same fire that has been slowing consuming their very own house, which they didn't even see? Could the waking let the fires burn and let their neighbors perish? Not without risk of the fire jumping to their own homes. This burning of homes, and dreams, and potential is too great to allow. Think of the horror and unnecessary struggle of those trapped in their burning lives. No, the fires must be extinguished, all possible neighbors must be awoken.

But awoken to what? You see, some dreams are real and many are not. That's how the sleeping can get pulled into a dream. They know that to dream is human. But if they could notice that when they were told what to dream they were drawn into a dream that was unreal, it wasn't their dream. Our dreams are supposed to come from within us, not be handed to us. Dreams from the outside are usually a trap designed to get us to sleep and to become unaware of the fire. The sleeping is us, putting aside our true dreams and while we dream the other dream, we slowing close our Infinite Selves off and reduce our physical selves to a form of emotion generator that feeds the confused people who seed our thoughts with the distracting dream, and while we are distracted by the sparkly, seemingly desirable dream, we ignore our unique and purposefully created selves and the dreams we came into this life with so we could encourage others to dream their personal and purposeful dream, those dreams that come out of our loving heart to uplift all of humanity, inspiring everyone to their greatest happiness. The confusion that compels some to seed others with a distracting dream is the fire of chaos, the same chaos that humanity rose out of as we first began to care about and love each other . . . and ourselves.

Seeing the fires of chaos is impossible if one is asleep. There are people who don't dream the most destructive of distracting dreams and who see the fire of chaos and are still unable to rouse the sleeping. Some of them have been handed dreams too. The distraction is different but it does little to aid them in waking those sleeping through the most destructive dream, the most chaotic dream, the dream that is clung to by the confused people. And what is that dream? It's a dream that makes the chaos and confusion disappear . . . at least for a little bit. You see, those who succumb to the confusion and chaos of a primordial fear in life want only one thing . . . control. Control of whatever they can control. This is really big to these people. They feel so out-of-control that they grab on to anything they can ever hope to control and through that they feel a little better. But like any addict soon they will need more and other things to control. Over time this has lead them and the mindset that dominates them, to the biggest of all possible goals . . . controlling people. People are the most amazing creations on this planet, because people can dream their own personal and purposeful dream and through their loving heart, people can uplift their surroundings and inspire others to uplift their surroundings, which, in time can lead to uplifting the entire world, that would leave the confused without their greatest prize of control . . . and when that happens they know they will slip back into the pit that holds the fire of chaos causing a cascading of emotional distress and all that that would mean to a human mind conscious of existence. If they would only open their heart to love and cease they drive to control they could spare themselves this undesirable fate. No one can do this for another, we can only hope to influence them to dream their personal and purposeful dream, to not seek domination over another, to accept those things that are outside their personal power to change, and to recognize their ability to choose love in all aspects of life. This is how those who are sleeping will find their way out of the fire and how they can recognize those who are hoping to wake them to the fire in their own home.

When a person accepts another for who and what they are in their loving heart and the second person is not trying to control or coercively compel the behavior of others, we can all live our personal and purposeful dream in this life fully awake to our creation and our greatest happiness.

How does that sound?

Thinkers and Sinkers (videos)

Breakout of the Thinkers and Sinkers Concept (02min 33sec)

In the Three Dimensional Universe there appears a dichotomy, which many call Duality. This juxtaposition of apparent motivations is the framework many people struggle through as they seek comfort and survival. Knowledge of this framework smooths the path forward.

Introduction to Thinkers and Sinkers (01min 46sec)

Understanding the psychological "tug-o-war" projected upon humanity is the only starting place if one is to extricate themselves from primordial chaos described in so many creation myths and later distorted for predictable aims.Clarity is found in this understanding.

Synopsis to Thinkers and Sinkers (04min 33sec)

With this overview, the Thinkers and Sinkers mosaic takes on a clearer form. Explore this synopsis to recognize how important this revelation is to your Freedom and Self-Expression and to the overwhelming Joy of Humanity. Rest in the knowledge that the current structure of society is transient though the coming structure is not yet defined. Contribute your voice.

How You Want and Understanding the Difference (00min 46sec)

The void many people feel within themselves is most often self-created and self-fulfilling in nature. Wanting for change in one's life seems normal enough. How those changes are conceived and how desires are pursued forever directs the individual's experience. Perspective to this cascading of physical and psychological energies can make all the difference.

Forgiveness (00min 58sec)

Hierarchies exist in the 3-Dimensional Universe as a "point of fact." The hierarchy of Forgiveness is trans-dimensional and predicated on perspective for the purpose of redemption and survival. Understanding this concept keenly allows for the depressurization within the mind.

Merkaba - Field of Energy Projected Toward the Individual (03min 10sec)

Every person and every living thing (including Gaia, the planet), is in the center of an energy field, which is supported from the outside while circulating energy on the inside. The field a person finds themself within is extraordinarily important but equally important to how the energy is managed and circulated within. This video lays out general parameters regarding this field and the source of the energy coming in.

Review from Dr. Wendy Treynor Ph.D.

Dr. Wendy Treynor Ph.D. is a social psychologist, happiness expert and author, who uncovered "the identity shift effect" explanation of the peer pressure process standing on the shoulders of giants in her field (social psychology), in her 2009 book Towards a General Theory of Social Psychology

"'Thinkers and Sinkers' is an important book"

It is simple and logical--inspired by the author's love for truth and the good of humanity

"Thinkers and Sinkers" is an important, thoughtful, philosophical book that is filled with truth statements and new ideas based on the author's observations of the human condition. The author delivers truth in raw form to enlighten us all. Those seeking action and adventure, seek elsewhere, as this book is for deep thinkers contemplating life and how to live it: It is simple and logical--inspired by the author's love for truth and the good of humanity. Shallow thinkers, beware..."

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