"The Quality of Energy in Your Life Matters... a Lot."

ASTROLOGY Book a Reading
TAROT Book a Reading
ASTROLOGY Book a Reading
TAROT Book a Reading

"The Quality of Energy in Your Life Matters... a Lot."



Your Soul is Boundless, Be The Soul...

In one afternoon...

...you can discover all the practices to begin your self-healing, self-balancing, and self-energizing journey.

This is a FREE presentation, LIVE, in-person, in South Redondo Beach, on Sunday, September 24th at 2PM.

The information in this FREE presentation could take you years to learn but in one day you'll have a handle on all of it.

We'll discuss:
The origins of energy,
The patterns in nature,
How you can always improve your situation,
Easy ways to release dysfunctional energy,
Ways to generate amazing energy inside yourself,
and more.

Gather in these practices so you can begin this journey from where you are so you can get where you want to go.


This presentation is free,

Location of presentation:

SoulFitnessLA (yoga studio) 2PM

1209 S Pacific Coast Highway

Redondo Beach, CA 90277

#health #happiness #prosperity #choosinglove #selflove #freeseminar #energywork #energy #selfhealing #selfbalancing #selfenergizing #amazingenergy #lifeforcereboot #davidapatrickmoore

Energy Runs Everything

Increasing Performance





Wealth and “Energy Wealth” - Money and possessions have value. Wealth consists of value. Energy has value, Energy is a measurement of Wealth. Without positive and abundant energy, money is meaningless to the individual. Money cannot buy; Health, Vitality, Inner Peace, or Love. With “Energy Wealth” more things are possible. Enter, "LIFE FORCE REBOOT."

This offering is a master class of personal energy management. In this course each client is first and foremost given daily energy healings over the 5-week process of learning and healing that occurs.

The learning process includes understanding levels of energy, clearing energy from environments, energetic attachments, personal behaviors and the quality of energy each person has the potential to generate, plus the "reverse engineering" of Karma to benefit all.




LIFE FORCE REBOOT is a high ticket course.

Savings are available through group participation. Individuals can wait for a group to assemble one-by-one. Groups can access reduced rates by contacting us directly. Groups of 5 receive a small price reduction. Groups of 10 more price reduction and groups of 20+ even more. We look forward to discussing with you what LIFE FORCE REBOOT offers and how it works as a boundless benefit to all participants. (Download Corporate presentation / Community presentation).

CLICK HERE to download an informative PDF describing what you can expect to receive when you get your, "LIFE FORCE REBOOT". This technology rejuvenates your energy system and reorients your approach to the unseen world of energy, changing your tangible experience remarkably.

Why the Aura is Important

We've all heard about the "aura" whether it is how "amazing" someone's aura is or how there was an aura of "doom" surrounding a situation.

What this points out is that aura health is important and potentially propitious. In Pranic Healing, one of the first things taught is how to sense the condition, thoroughly cleanse, and repair the aura.

Your aura is much like your energy environment and like your body, keeping your aura in good repair, cleanliness, and functionality bode well for health; physically, emotionally, and mentally.

Our clients learn how the aura functions and how it can degrade to a state of dysfunction. Along with this training, LIFE FORCE REBOOT provides several tools for aura care so the client will never be at a loss as they seek to maintain maximum aura health. Every LIFE FORCE REBOOT client knows why this is important but better yet they know how to keep their aura healthy. 

"Workplace Energy"

In the workplace, as with any interpersonal exchange, the environment can have a huge influence. This influence can extend to how customers feel, how employees interact, and company productivity.

The work space holds energy and then every person that comes into the space brings with them the energy they have and are generating. The energy can be unique to the moment such as if the person just had an argument. The energy can represent the individual as in where they are at this time in their life. The energy can even reflect who this person becomes when then enter the workplace; happy, not-so-happy.

All of these various types of energy can be addressed, empowered, and cultured. With this understanding a person can construct the environment they most want around them by addressing the energy they present to the world from within themselves.

"Heart Space and Ego"

"The Heart energy center becomes small when the Solar Plexus energy center grows." When someone has a surge of ego the capacity of the heart diminishes.

"The Solar Plexus grows when we go into our ego, feel stressed, or anxious." This can happen as part of our daily management of business, relationships, and competition.

"When the Heart becomes small we lose the ability for empathy and choosing Love." Well being comes first from the heart. Having a heart is essential.

"Balancing these centers is key" for a happy life.

"A new way of life calls for a new way of living."

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